Mountains News

160 stories

Conservation success: markhor population climbing

New mammal discovered in Indonesia

First snow leopards collared in Afghanistan as species faces rising threat from climate change

Google Earth used to discover unknown forest in Angola, scientists find it full of rare birds

Exploring Asia’s lost world

Cloud forests may be particularly vulnerable to climate change

Interactive map reveals the human cost of mountaintop mining

Photo: new blue, red, yellow lizard discovered in the Andes

Majority of Andes’ biodiversity hotspots remain unprotected

Geology has split the Amazon into two distinct forests

Conserving Ecuador’s Paramos, the alpine tundra ecosystem of the Andes

Borneo’s most elusive feline photographed at unexpected elevation

Seals, birds, and alpine plants suffer under climate change

Photos: two new paper clip-sized frogs discovered in Vietnamese mountains

Volcano and cloud forests conserved in Ecuador

Wolverines live up to tough reputation

800 nearly-extinct giant snails freeze to death in conservation center

Featured video: camera traps catch Andean cats and others in Argentina

Viable population of snow leopards still roam Afghanistan (pictures)

South Sudan’s tropical forests fast disappearing

Red rodent shows up at Colombian nature lodge after 113 years on the lam

No limbs or sight needed: bizarre new lizard uncovered in Cambodia

Conservation organizations ask Tanzania to reconsider UNESCO status for Eastern Arc Mountains

Warmer temperatures may be exterminating pika populations one-by-one

From the Serengeti to Lake Natron: is the Tanzanian government aiming to destroy its wildlife and lands?

Amazon still neglected by researchers

New population discovered of the America’s mini snow leopard: the Andean cat

New population of Critically Endangered monkey discovered

Photographer discovers new species of meat-eating plant in Cambodia

Photos: 200 new species discovered in 60-day expedition in New Guinea

Tigers discovered living on the roof of the world

Exploring Kenya’s sky island

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