Global warming News

814 stories

Seabirds face big problems as sea levels rise

Warming world hits fig wasps and figs

Poisonous jellyfish on the rise in the Mediterranean

Earth likely to warm between 2 and 6 degrees Celsius this century

Water crisis widening: 4.5 billion people live near ‘impaired water sources’

Over 500 scientists warn we ‘are causing alarming levels of harm to our planet’

Indonesia’s largest coal plant will be built despite protests, minister says

China to begin cutting carbon emissions one city at a time

Biosphere conservation: monumental action is critical to avert global environmental crisis

Scientists have reached an overwhelming consensus on human-caused climate change

Canadian government drops over $16 million on advertising its tar sands

Pacific islanders are the ‘victims of industrial countries unable to control their carbon dioxide emissions’

Eat insects to mitigate deforestation and climate change

Climate change to halve habitat for over 10,000 common species

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