Bushmeat News

282 stories

Is there hope for bonobos? Researchers, NGOs, gov’t officials, local communities band together to save iconic ape (Part III)

Poaching, fires, farming pervade: protecting bonobos ‘an enormous challenge’ (Part II)

Surrounded by deforestation, critically endangered gorillas hang on by a thread

On babies and motherhood: how giant armadillos are surprising scientists (photos)

Is Cameroon becoming the new Indonesia? Palm oil plantations accelerating deforestation

A taste for wildlife: what’s driving bushmeat hunting in Tanzania?

Indonesia’s forests increasingly empty of wildlife

Next big idea in forest conservation? Linking public health and environmental degradation

Small monkeys take over when big primates have been hunted out in the Amazon

Over 9,000 primates killed for single bushmeat market in West Africa every year

Islamic clerics issue ‘fatwa’ against poaching, declare the illegal wildlife trade ‘haram’

The smoothtooth blacktip shark and four other species rediscovered in markets

Madagascar’s most famous lemur facing big threats

Odd porcupine hugely imperiled by hunting, deforestation

Bonobos: the Congo Basin’s great gardeners

28 percent of potential bonobo habitat remains suitable

Orphaned gorillas successfully reintroduced where apes had been hunted to extinction

Honey badgers and more: camera traps reveal wealth of small carnivores in Gabon (photos)

Forgotten species: the nearly extinct primate that can be shot on sight

Protecting predators in the wildest landscape you’ve never heard of

Scientists discover new flying mammal in bushmeat market

Zoos call on governments to take urgent action against illegal wildlife trade (photos)

First ever pangolin conference concludes all eight species in trouble

Over 16,000 wild mammals and birds sold in Nagaland market, India, annually

Saving the Tenkile: an expedition to protect one of the most endangered animals you’ve never heard of

Scientists discover new giant mole rat in Africa (photos)

Emergency: large number of elephants being poached in the Central African Republic (warning: graphic image)

An insidious threat to tropical forests: over-hunting endangers tree species in Asia and Africa

Warlords, sorcery, and wildlife: an environmental artist ventures into the Congo

Jaguars, tapirs, oh my!: Amazon explorer films shocking wildlife bonanza in threatened forest

Pity the pangolin: little-known mammal most common victim of the wildlife trade

Photos: Scientists discover tapir bonanza in the Amazon

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