Bushmeat News

282 stories

Gorilla poachers brutally murder forest ranger

Cute animal picture of the day: baby hippo takes first swim

Leopards losing out to bushmeat hunters in competition for prey

Over 80 percent of urban Congolese eat bushmeat

Photos: the top ten new species discovered in 2010

Cambodia’s wildlife pioneer: saving species and places in Southeast Asia’s last forest

Dari Kamboja ke Kalifornia: 10 hutan yang paling terancam di dunia

Bushmeat trade pushing species to the edge in Tanzania

From Cambodia to California: the world’s top 10 most threatened forests

Africa’s vanishing wild: mammal populations cut in half

Wildlife crime goes largely unpunished in Indonesia

Red pandas may be threatened by small-scale trade

New population of Critically Endangered monkey discovered

African apes threatened by rising temperatures

Bushmeat hunting alters forest structure in Africa

Picture: new monkey discovered in Myanmar

The $1M bed: why Madagascar’s rainforests are being destroyed

1000 rare tortoises poached each week in Madagascar

Threatened on all sides: how to save the Serengeti

Financial crisis pummels wildlife and people in the Congo rainforest

Apakah Perlindungan Karbon Sama Dengan Perlindungan Keragaman Hayati?

Into the Congo: saving bonobos means aiding left-behind communities, an interview with Gay Reinartz

New ape species uncovered in Asia

How the overlooked peccary engineers the Amazon, an interview with Harald Beck

Scientists warn little known gibbons face immediate extinction

Is carbon protection the same as biodiversity protection?

Crackdown on illegal wildlife trade in Vietnam

Dapatkah Biochar Selamatkan Dunia?

Could biochar save the world?

Hunting threatens the other Amazon: where harpy eagles are common and jaguars easy to spot, an interview with Paul Rosolie

Logging crisis pushes Madagascar’s forests on to UNESCO’s Danger List

If Madagascar’s biodiversity is to be saved, international community must step up

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