Bushmeat News

New ape species uncovered in Asia

Discovering a species unknown to science is a highlight of any biologist's career, but imagine discovering a new ape? Researchers with the German Primate Center (DPZ) announced today the discovery…

Dapatkah Biochar Selamatkan Dunia?

Sebuah wawancara dengan Laurens Rademakers dari Biochar Fund. Biochar - penggunaan arang yang diproduksi dari membakar biomassa untuk pertanian - mungkin merupakan saru dari revolusi lingkungan dan sosial yang terpenting…

Could biochar save the world?

An interview with Laurens Rademakers of Biochar Fund. Biochar—the agricultural application of charcoal produced from burning biomass—may be one of this century's most important social and environmental revolutions. This seemingly…

How to end Madagascar’s logging crisis

In the aftermath of a military coup last March, Madagascar's rainforests have been pillaged for precious hardwoods, including rosewood and ebony. Tens of thousands of hectares have been affected, including…

World’s rarest gorilla caught on film

The first ever professional footage of the world's rarest gorilla, the Cross River gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla diehli), has been shot deep in the forested mountains of Cameroon. The only…