Bushmeat News

282 stories

Hunted to the brink: Mammals in crisis

What is a binturong?

The Myanmar snub-nosed monkey: discovered and immediately endangered

Poaching in Africa becomes increasingly militarized

IUCN motions to ban the pangolin trade

World’s largest gorilla now Critically Endangered

Unknown, ignored and disappearing: Asia’s Almost Famous Animals

The hidden toll of war: world’s largest ape plummets 77% in 20 years

‘Exploitation crisis’: Civil war fueling ‘sharp rise’ in poaching and trafficking of South Sudan’s wildlife

Even minor forest disturbance can cause great ape population crashes

Toxic beetles and poisonous plants: Study reveals how southern Africa’s ‘bushmen’ make deadly poison arrows

‘Where Have All the Animals Gone?’ – a journey through Africa and Asia

Alarming proof of underreported bushmeat crisis in heart of Amazonia

200,000 of Peru’s primates trafficked for pet trade or bushmeat yearly

Vanishing vultures: Africa’s fetish and bushmeat trade is driving its scavengers to extinction

Oil roads to ecological ruin: Ecuador’s bushmeat and wildlife trade

Feline Unseen: The African Golden Cat

Bushmeat in Tanzania has an unexpected consumer

Scientists urge greater enforcement of wildlife laws in Africa

Chinese turtle heist sends rare Philippine species to brink of extinction, international rescue underway

Commercial bushmeat hunters put previously undetected pressure on Central Africa’s large birds

Expedition in the Congo rediscovers lost primate

Bushmeat’s dual role: threatened species face off against nutrition and culture

Adorbs: scientists capture first photos of African golden cat kittens

Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2014

Use of mammals still prevalent in Brazil’s Conservation Units

Will ‘Asia’s unicorn’ survive? Hunting and deforestation continue in Vietnam biosphere reserve PART II

How did Ebola Zaïre Get to Guinea?

Conservation controversy: are bonobos protected in the right ways and in the right places?

Don’t eat or touch bat bushmeat amid worsening Ebola outbreak, UN warns

Over a million pangolins slaughtered in the last decade

Setting the stage: theater troupe revives tradition to promote conservation in DRC

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