128 stories

Lures that attract seed-dispersing bats could aid tropical reforestation

Tonkin snub-nosed monkeys were found in only two places on Earth. Now it’s one

Electrochemical removal of ocean CO2 offers potential — and concerns

Next-gen geothermal offers circular promise, but needs care and caution

Direct air capture climate solution faces harsh criticism, steep challenges

Brazil natural landscape degradation drives toxic metal buildup in bats

Land use change impacting seven planetary boundaries, solutions urgent, say scientists

Vulture poisonings in the Serengeti alarm conservationists

Atmospheric methane removal: A promising but challenging climate solution

Calls for caution as enhanced rock weathering shows carbon capture promise

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’

As tidal power rides a wave of clean energy optimism, pitfalls persist

Inaugural Planetary Health Check finds ocean acidification on the brink

Aluminum and steel vital to energy transition, but need circular solutions

Aluminum and steel take environment and health toll, even as demand grows

Hooded vultures in Ghana and South Africa on the brink, study says

Cloud brightening over oceans may stave off climate change, but with risk

‘Polycrisis’ threatens planetary health; UN calls for innovative solutions

Geoengineering gains momentum, but governance is lacking, critics say

Action plan to save West African vultures targets threat from belief-based use

Mysterious, at risk, understudied flat-headed cat lacks conservation focus

Saving Asia’s fishing cat means protecting threatened wetland habitat

Circular solutions vital to curb enviro harm from cement and concrete

A tiger cat gains new species designation, but conservation challenges remain

Climate change brews trouble for tea industry, but circular solutions await

Pollution poses big risks to global clean water supplies, study shows

Fashioning a circular future for traditional and alternative leather

Endangered vulture species nesting in Ghana is rare good news about raptors

Lessons from Finland’s attempt to transition to a circular economy

Study: Tiny tortoise may play large role in South Africa’s Karoo landscape

Incentivizing conservation shows success against wildlife hunting in Cameroon

Circular economy poised to go beyond outdated oil, gas and coal, experts say

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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