Ucsc News

149 stories

New marine protected areas key to fighting illegal fishing

Bioluminescent bacteria expose toxic arsenic in Bangladesh

Gulf of Mexico deep sea may need decades to recover from oil spill

Coal’s future carbon costs may make it more expensive than wind energy

Tiny algae signal big changes for warming Arctic lakes

Coelacanths might be monogamous, to the surprise of researchers

Longline fisheries in Costa Rica hook tens of thousands of sea turtles every year

Wolves boost food for Yellowstone’s threatened grizzlies

Flawed from inception? Ecuador’s Yasuní-ITT initiative threatened indigenous groups with simple mapping errors

Locally extinct birds in the Amazon slowly flock back to forests when trees regrow

Amazon’s vast rainforest dominated by few tree species

Kids’ stories and new stoves protect the golden snub-nosed monkey in China

Could marine cloud machines cool the planet?

Could rebuilding global fisheries save hundreds of billions of dollars?

Endangered muriqui monkeys in Brazil full of surprises

A new way to rescue Africa’s struggling soils: Planting perennials with crops

Climate change threatens population of Earth’s largest sea turtle

Cell phones help decipher malaria transmission in Kenya

Canadian ice sheet responded rapidly to ancient climate change

House windows may kill 22 million Canadian birds each year

Clever crows may grasp hidden causes

Antarctic king crabs warming up to invade continental shelf, threatening unique marine community

Entertainment media skews public perception of chimpanzees in the wild

Tracking the coelacanth: Two decades of research confirms a viable population in Comoros

Monarch butterflies decline at wintering grounds in Mexico, Texas drought adds to stress to migration

Indigenous technicians scour Amazonia to help researchers track wildlife populations

First global assessment finds highest-grossing tunas and billfishes most vulnerable to extinction

Researchers challenge idea that marine reserves promote coral recovery

Small mammals use Borneo pitcher plant as toilet in exchange for nectar

African cattle benefit from socializing with wild grazers during the wet season

Museum specimens reveal the tracks of an amphibian epidemic

Bacteria deep in the Gulf of Mexico consumed oil faster than expected, study finds

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