Ucsc News

149 stories

Cheetahs reproduce more successfully after early pregnancies

Ecotourism brings home the bacon in the Peruvian Amazon

Rainforests, wildlife preserved by indigenous spiritual beliefs

It’s not just size that matters: how population affects climate change

Researchers track the little-known giant sunfish

African apes threatened by rising temperatures

The unruly evolution of island life

Open landfills feed population growth of predatory Alaskan gulls

Growing strawberries organically yields more nutritious fruit and healthier soil

Japanese scientists use goldfish to screen for freshwater pollution

The green movement has to become a rainbow-colored movement in order to be successful

Dried-up Colorado takes toll on giant Mexican fish

Big Farms Can Make the Leap to Organic Farming, Study Suggests

Scientists aim to catalogue tropical island from mountaintops to seafloor

Diversity in streams may brace Chinook salmon for climate change

Food miles are less important to environment than food choices, study concludes

Cellulosic biofuels may be viable alternative to gas within 5 years

High-tech collars to reveal the secretive behvaiors of mountain lions

50 years after the blast: Recovery in Bikini Atoll’s coral reef

From “kampung boy” to conservation force in the rainforest of Borneo

Why is there soot on the snowpack?

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