Sea levels News

158 stories

Scientists puzzled by slowing of Atlantic conveyor belt, warn of abrupt climate change

Five Pacific islands have already disappeared due to sea level rise

The week in environmental news – April 01, 2016

New research sets doomsday for Indo-Pacific mangroves

Carbon emissions from Indonesia’s peat fires exceed emissions from entire U.S. economy

Rising seas, sinking peat to swamp Malaysian and Indonesian palm oil

Artists, musicians, writers protest government plans for massive coal plant in the Sundarbans

‘We will win this war’: Yeb Saño speaks out on global warming

Tipping point already reached? West Antarctica in slow-motion, unstoppable melt

Extinction crisis: rising sea levels will submerge thousands of islands

Apocalypse now? Climate change already damaging agriculture, acidifying seas, and worsening extreme weather

Top scientists propose ambitious plans to safeguard world from devastating climate change

Bangladesh plans massive coal plant in world’s biggest mangrove forest

Mesoamerican Reef needs more local support, says report

Drastic cuts to greenhouse gases could save hundreds of U.S. cities from watery grave

Featured video: mangroves in El Salvador imperiled by climate change

Seabirds face big problems as sea levels rise

Pacific islanders are the ‘victims of industrial countries unable to control their carbon dioxide emissions’

Top security official in Nigeria blames climate change for worsening insecurity

Scientists find the ‘missing heat’ of global warming 700 meters below the sea

U.S. Admiral: climate change, not North Korea, biggest threat in the Pacific

Climate change already pummeling U.S. according to government report

Temperature in West Antarctica rising twice as fast as previously thought, finds study

Greenland and Antarctica ice melt accelerating, pushing sea levels higher

Watery world: sea level rising 60 percent faster than predicted

World Bank: 4 degrees Celsius warming would be miserable

Above the ocean: saving the world’s most threatened birds

Greenland suffers record melt

“Don’t be so silly” about climate change: Mohamed Nasheed on The Daily Show

Black Swans and bottom-up environmental action

Photo of the day: Turquoise waters along the California coast

Environmental law landmark: island nation challenges faraway coal plant for climate impact

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