Sea levels News

158 stories

Sea life may downsize with ocean warming — bringing challenging impacts

For women on Bangladesh’s coast, rising seas pose a reproductive health dilemma

Robot revolution: A new real-time accounting system for ocean carbon

As rising seas destroy Ghana’s coastal communities, researchers warn against a seawall-only solution

Between land and sea: Agrobiodiversity holds key to health for Melanesian tribes

Inland mangroves reveal a tumultuous climatic past — and hint at our future

Women on storm-hit Philippine island lead Indigenous effort to restore mangroves

Cost of wetlands: Free. Storm damage they prevent: $38 million per estuary.

To save salt marshes, researchers deploy a wide arsenal of techniques

Coastal Indonesian village adapts to life amid rising tidal floodwaters

From Flores to Papua: Meet 10 of Indonesia’s mangrove guardians

The U.S. reptile most at risk from rising seas is one you likely haven’t heard of

Rivers can be climate change solutions, too (commentary)

New study warns that sea levels will rise faster than expected

The glaciers of the Greenland Ice Sheet are running away

For nesting hawksbill turtles, this Philippine community is a sanctuary

US economy will take biggest hit if we continue with business as usual: report

On the front line of climate change in India’s Sundarbans

IPCC special report finds oceans and cryosphere changing rapidly due to global warming

In India’s Sundarbans, communities shrink as their island sinks

Ocean winds, wave heights have increased around the world

Antarctica now shedding ice six times faster than in 1979

Protecting India’s fishing villages: Q&A with ‘maptivist’ Saravanan

Drone 3D models help assess risk of turtle nesting beaches to sea level rise

High sea levels thousands of years ago aided island formation

‘Not doing anything is no longer acceptable’: Q&A with Alice Thomas, climate refugee expert

Here’s how much Antarctica’s melting ice is already contributing to sea level rise

Under the sea: Life is the bubbles in newly described deep-reef zone

A tale of two policies: climate change, Trump, and the U.S. military

Scientists say some climate change impacts already unavoidable, but worst can still be averted

Photos: Where once were mangroves, Javan villages struggle to beat back the sea

A plan to save the Mekong Delta

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