Sea levels News

158 stories

New mapping system shows how detailed climate changes will affect species

69% of Floridians believe coast threatened by rising sea levels

Dams mask sea level rise – oceans swell faster than previously thought

Cretaceous sea levels were 550 feet higher than today

NASA: warming is causing Greenland ice to melt faster than expected

Scientists: cut emissions now to avoid climate tipping point

Climate change will impact U.S. economy

Pearl River Delta under Rising Water Threat

Islands to face water problems as sea levels rise, populations grow

Melting glaciers and ice cap will drive sea level rise

Sudden sea level rise could put hundreds of millions at risk

Climate report warns of drought, rising sea levels, species extinction

Hundreds of millions at risk from rising sea levels

Melting Antarctic glaciers could trigger sea level rise

Sea levels rising at fastest rate on record

Sea levels may rise higher than predicted due to global warming

Melting glaciers, not ice sheets, primarily responsible for rising sea levels

UN says man’s global warming impact lower than thought

Global warming could put New York City at hurricane, flood risk

Rising sea levels could flood Gulf bays in Texas, Louisiana

Report Warns of Coastal Flooding and Rising Sea Levels in California

Snow in Antarctic not falling to counter sea level rise

Rising seas may be killing Florida palms

New York at high risk of flooding from climate change

Sea levels to rise 20 feet if ice melting trend continues

Global warming may cause 11-inch rise in sea levels by 2100

Rising ocean causes permanent evacuation of Pacific island community

Ocean levels rising twice as fast

Rising seas and disappearing islands will produce environmental refugees

Climate changing faster than ever — sea levels may rise 1 foot by 2100

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