Great apes suffer mid-life crisis too

Wild male orangutan in Sumatra. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler. Homo sapiens are not alone in experiencing a dip in happiness during middle age (often referred to as a mid-life…

Indian coal giant targets forests

The world’s largest coal producer, the state-run Coal India Ltd., plans to massively expand mining in forest areas to help meeting surging demand for electricity, reports The Wall Street Journal.…

Bats face new perils from climate change

A change in prey abundance due to climate change could impact the lesser mouse-eared bat (Myotis blythii). Photo by: Christoph F. Robiller. Global climate change could devastate bat populations around…

Clever crows may grasp hidden causes

Crows may be imagining more than we imagined. New research suggests certain crows make decisions based on factors they can’t see. A recent study published in the Proceedings of the…