Uganda News

167 stories

Uganda’s elephant population has risen 600% since its 1980s low

Criticism of GAR and Wilmar African oil palm projects highlight global ‘no-deforestation’ challenges

Pollinator collapse could lead to a rise in malnutrition

Adorbs: scientists capture first photos of African golden cat kittens

Forest restoration commitments: driven by science or politics?

Four countries pledge to restore 30 million hectares of degraded lands at UN Summit

Running to reforest: communities, NGOs work to save Ugandan reserve in the midst of massive deforestation

The last best place no more: massive deforestation destroying prime chimp habitat in Uganda

Next big idea in forest conservation? The ‘double-edged sword’ of democracy

Tipping the scale: how a political economist could save the world’s forests

Deutsche Bank dumps controversial palm oil company

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: How ‘One Health’ Connects Humans, Animals, and Ecosystems

Conservation legend Jane Goodall turns 80 today

Sky islands: exploring East Africa’s last frontier

Prize exploring the next big idea in rainforest conservation announced

Illegally captured parrots finally free to fly

Making movies to save Uganda’s great apes

Building a new generation of local conservationists: how improving education in Uganda may save one of the world’s great forests

Saving one of Africa’s most stunning parks through biomass briquettes and fuel-efficient stoves

African militias trading elephant ivory for weapons

Why responsible tourism is the key to saving the mountain gorilla

Featured video: camera trapping in Bwindi Impenetrable National Park

Elephant woes: conservationists mixed on elephant actions at CITES

Mountain gorilla population up by over 20 percent in five years

Method to estimate primate abundance falls short

Forest cover falls 9% in East Africa in 9 years

Cute animal picture of the day: endangered baby giraffe

Solitary male monkeys cause crop damage in Uganda

Chimp conservation requires protecting fragmented river forests in Uganda

Restoring tropical forests by keeping fire far away

National parks do not contribute to poverty, finds decade-long study

Uganda resurrects plan to hand over protected forest to sugar company

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