Evolution News

216 stories

The Role of Science for Conservation – book review

Beyond the resorts: traveling the real and wild Dominican Republic (photos)

Scientists nearly double the number of biogeographic realms

New Guinea singing dog photographed in the wild for the first time

Scientists create ‘tree of life’ mapping all known bird species

Endangered turtle urinates through its mouth

An interview with conservation writer David Quammen

Bizarre new rodent discovered in Indonesia has only 2 teeth

Lonesome George passes, taking unique subspecies with him

New reptile discovered in world’s strangest archipelago

When giant coyotes roamed the Earth

Photos: program devoted to world’s strangest, most neglected animals celebrates five years

Interview with conservation legend, Richard Leakey

Photos: bizarre shell of new snail baffles researchers

Forgotten species: the rebellious spotted handfish

The value of the little guy, an interview with Tyler Prize-winning entomologist May Berenbaum

Cloud forest dung beetles in India point to ‘fossil ecosystem’

Updating the top 100 weirdest and most imperiled mammals

‘New’ cat in Sumatra: clouded leopard is distinct subspecies

Ancient bird evolved “clubs” to beat predators, each other

Disappearance of arctic ice could create ‘grolar bears’, narlugas; trigger biodiversity loss

Extinct giant stork towered over ‘hobbits’ on Flores

Genetic analysis uncovers new parrot on the edge of extinction

Photographer discovers new species of meat-eating plant in Cambodia

Amazon biodiversity older than believed

The unruly evolution of island life

New blind snake discovery

Scientists discover world’s first amphibious insects: Hawaiian caterpillars

Extinction outpaces evolution

Photos: Madagascar’s wonderful and wild frogs, an interview with Sahonagasy

Prehistoric snake gobbled-up dinosaur babies

Polar bears are newcomers on the world stage

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