Tiffany Roufs

265 stories

Recovering forests ‘heal’ themselves by speeding up nitrogen fixation

No place like home: scientists discover that male crested penguins head home earlier than females

Myanmar faces new conservation challenges as it opens up to the world

Amphibians evolve resistance to popular pesticide

Climate change could increase diarrheal disease in Botswana

Pet fish invade ecosystem, upending nutrients and impoverishing fishers

Climate change pushing tropical trees upslope ‘exactly as predicted’

Featured video: music video honoring wildlife of Karnataka, India

Newly discovered chytrid fungus devastates salamander populations

New $20,000 reporting grant: The state of marine fisheries in Indonesia

India moves rapidly to protect Amur falcons from mass-hunting

Bornean orangutans travel along the ground

600 vultures killed by elephant poachers in Namibia

Scientists discover that even crocs have a fetish for fruit

Not just bats and frogs: snake fungal disease hits U.S.

Organization proposes climate change warning labels at the gas pump

Amendments to Indian legislation could pose a threat to wildlife research

Finding a needle in a haystack: two new species of octocorals discovered in the Pacific Ocean

World’s biggest owl depends on large old trees

Are sea turtles responsible for lower fish catches in India?

Ground zero for endangered species: new program to assist animals on the brink across Southeast Asia

Eighty sea turtles wash up dead on the coast of Guatemala

Whale shark mapping: scientists uncover global distribution for the largest fish in the world

Overpopulation and grazing imperils nomadic lifestyle and wildlife in Ladakh

Pesticide problems in the Amazon

The evolution of cooperation: communal nests are best for ruffed lemurs

Safeguarding nine priority areas could protect all of Tanzania’s primates

Climate change killing harp seal pups

New tiny insect named after Peter Pan fairy discovered in Central America

Sahyadris – Mountains of the Monsoon

New Android app helps you identify frogs in the Western Ghats

Scientists map human-wildlife conflict in India

News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.

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