Papua new guinea News

232 stories

Primary forest best for birds in Papua New Guinea

Big damage in Papua New Guinea: new film documents how industrial logging destroys lives

Logging company fined $100 million for illegal logging in Papua New Guinea

Pictures: Turquoise ‘dragon’ among 1,000 new species discovered in New Guinea

Papua New Guinea suspends controversial grants of community forest lands to foreign corps

Forgotten species: the endearing Tenkile tree kangaroo

Scientists urge Papua New Guinea to declare moratorium on massive forest clearing

Greenpeace says McKinsey’s REDD+ work could encourage deforestation

5 million hectares of Papua New Guinea forests handed to foreign corporations

Stopping export logging, oil palm expansion in PNG in 2012 would cost $1.8b, says economist

Biodiversity and slash-and-burn agriculture in Papua New Guinea

Foreign corporations devastating Papua New Guinea rainforests

Loss of old growth forest continues

Photos: 200 new species discovered in 60-day expedition in New Guinea

Scientists sound warning on forest carbon payment scheme

Papua Nugini Cabut Perlindungan Hak Lahan Komunal, Membuka Pintu bagi Bisnis Besar

Papua New Guinea strips communal land rights protections, opening door to big business

Indonesia identifikasi wilayah-wilayah yang memungkinkan untuk proyek pertama pelestarian hutan

Indonesia identifies possible sites for forest conservation pilot project

Indonesia umumkan penundaan dalam pemberian konsesi hutan baru

A total ban on primary forest logging needed to save the world, an interview with activist Glen Barry

Kegagalan Kopenhagen bisa memacu kesepakatan REDD yang mengandung resiko, menurut laporan

Indonesia announces moratorium on granting new forest concessions

Indonesia mengarahkan target ke Nugini untuk perluasan argikultur

Cargill sells palm oil business in Papua New Guinea

Indonesia to target New Guinea for agricultural expansion

Asia’s biggest logging company accused of bribery, violence in Papua New Guinea

Photos: New tropical frog undergoes remarkable transformation

Failure of Copenhagen may spur dodgy REDD deals, says report

Cheerios maker linked to rainforest destruction

US provides 3 billion in subsidies for Exxon-mobil project in Papua New Guinea

Nuclear option in Copenhagen?

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