Tropical conservation science News

277 stories

On guard: protecting wildlife in a heavily hunted Brazilian forest

Over 16,000 wild mammals and birds sold in Nagaland market, India, annually

Local people provide wildlife and forest data in park plagued by conflict

Peruvian night monkey threatened by vanishing forests, lost corridors

Scientists successfully freeze Barbary sheep embryos for conservation purposes

Deer populations hurt by poaching in Mexican dry forest

Invasive plants hurt locals in Mauritius

Forgotten lions: shedding light on the fate of lions in unprotected areas

Scientists successfully reintroduce gaur in Indian park

Heavy metal shark meat: dangerous lead levels found in sharks used as fish food

Innovative idea: wildlife income may help people withstand drought in Africa

Logging studies plagued by sampling problems

Deforestation in key Madagascar park accelerated after 2009 coup d’etat, finds satellite analysis

Selective logging changes character of tropical forest

Poaching in Serengeti seems worth the risk

Recovery of Atlantic Forest depends on land-use histories

New inroads made into bushmeat consumption in Tanzania

REDD+ should pave way for more research into genetic studies of tropical species

Vanishing corridors: trying to keep big animals on the move across Tanzania

Measuring nutrient pollution in pristine waters: Puerto Rico’s Vieques Island

A new method to monitor stray dog abundance

Reducing the risk that REDD+ will shift conservation funding away from biodiverse forests

Wildlife trade bans may be worsening trafficking of some species, argues paper

Method to estimate primate abundance falls short

Turtle knowledge in Africa shows significant gaps

Bushmeat consumption differs between communities in Tanzania

Wax palm can be sustainably harvested

Rare birds abound in Brazil’s Acre state

Buffer zones key to survival of maned wolf

Rodents have lowest diversity in primary forests in the Congo

Extremely rare plant region left unprotected in the Yucatan Peninsula

Over 80 species targeted by hunters in Brazil’s northeast

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