Tropical conservation science News

276 stories

Amazon still neglected by researchers

What’s behind the 85% decline of mammals in West Africa’s parks?

Leaf harvesting impacts Amazon palm

New land snail invading Singapore requires swift action

Logged forests in Vietnam retain significant biodiversity, including dipterocarp trees

Counting orangutans: the best way to survey the great apes

Cloud forest dung beetles in India point to ‘fossil ecosystem’

Biodiversity and slash-and-burn agriculture in Papua New Guinea

Lack of price premium for certified palm oil endangers sustainability initiative

Using water bodies to track Asian elephants

The hair-snare: non-invasive animal research technique makes good in Mexico

Climate change could cut premontane forests of Argentina and Bolivia in half

Local rules trump regulations imposed by outsiders in Madagascar

Forest fragment climate not driven by edge-effect

Could industrial interests ruin payments for environmental services?

Ugandan forest being stripped for fuel wood

Nearly half of the world’s wetlands used for crops

The effect of forest regeneration strategies on beetles

Threatened on all sides: how to save the Serengeti

Tigers successfully reintroduced in Indian park

Financial crisis pummels wildlife and people in the Congo rainforest

Indian carnivore eats mostly fruit

Menanam Pohon Ara dapat Selamatkan Spesies Terancam di Borneo

Photos: researchers uncover top priority areas for Bolivian primates

Planting figs could save endangered species in Borneo

Saving one of West Africa’s last hippo populations

Invertebrates in Brazilian traditional medicines

Forest loss occurring around Kibale National Park in Uganda

How do Asian elephants survive in fragmented and unprotected landscapes?

Conservation catch-22: do nature reserves attract human settlers?

When it comes to Yellow Fever, conserving howler monkeys saves lives

Diverse habitats needed for survival of small mammals in Mexico

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