Trees News

547 stories

Bird diversity at risk if ‘agroforests’ replaced with farmland

Rodent robbers fill role of mega mammals, help spread tropical trees

3-D laser mapping shows elephants have big impact on trees

Saving ‘Avatar Grove’: the battle to preserve old-growth forests in British Columbia

Experts: sustainable logging in rainforests impossible

Climate change creating “novel ecosystem” in Arctic

Why bird droppings matter to manta rays: discovering unknown ecological connections

Can loggers be conservationists?

New reptile discovered in world’s strangest archipelago

Blood rosewood: Thailand and Cambodia team up to tackle illegal logging crisis and save lives

Featured video: Honoring Wangari Maathai, who would have been 72 yesterday

Asia Pulp & Paper loses another customer: Danone

UN: wild teak forests declining

Belize enacts moratorium on rosewood

Chimp conservation requires protecting fragmented river forests in Uganda

Investigation links APP to illegal logging of protected trees

Seals, birds, and alpine plants suffer under climate change

How lemurs fight climate change

Texas loses half a billion trees to epic drought

The other side of the Penan story: threatened tribe embraces tourism, reforestation

Droughts could push parts of Africa back into famine

Using palm hearts sustainably in Colombia

Madagascar tree diversity among the highest worldwide

Giant rat plays big ecological role in dispersing seeds

Picture of the day: quiet river in the woods

Critically Endangered lemurs disperse seeds, store carbon

Chemotherapy tree facing extinction

Old trees necessary for nesting animals

Fertilizer trees boost yields in Africa

Tea Party rallies in favor of Gibson Guitar, ignores reasons instrument-maker is under investigation

Penurunan predator puncak dan megafauna ‘pengaruh manusia yang paling mudah menyebar pada alam ‘

Tea party versus Madagascar’s forests

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