Norway News

118 stories

Whaling talks break down: ban stays in place, yet whaling will continue

To whale or not to whale?: nations, environmental groups do some soul-searching

Rencana Indonesia untuk selamatkan hutan hujannya

Indonesia’s plan to save its rainforests

Indonesia identifikasi wilayah-wilayah yang memungkinkan untuk proyek pertama pelestarian hutan

Kebingungan izin hutan di Indonesia dan kesepakatan pelestarian dengan Norwegia

Kontribusi Norwegia sebesar milyaran dolar untuk hutan Indonesia tidak termasuk skema penghutanan kembali nasional

Indonesia akan cabut perizinan konsesi minyak kelapa di bawah kesepakatan mengenai hutan

Indonesia identifies possible sites for forest conservation pilot project

Indonesia umumkan penundaan dalam pemberian konsesi hutan baru

Norwegia sediakan USD 1 milyar bagi Indonesia untuk lindungi hutan hujan

Confusion in Indonesia over forestry licenses and conservation deal with Norway

Norway’s billion dollar contribution to Indonesian forests excludes national reforestation scheme

Indonesia to revoke palm oil concession licenses under forest deal

Indonesia announces moratorium on granting new forest concessions

Norway to provide Indonesia with $1 billion to protect rainforests

Polar bears are newcomers on the world stage

Guyana to increase oversight of gold mining under deal to save forests with Norway

Obama on global warming and forest protection

Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging

Norway emerges as champion of rainforest conservation

Norway to pay Guyana to save its rainforests

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