Norway News

118 stories

Norway’s $650B pension fund to require deforestation disclosure among portfolio companies

Norway to double carbon tax on oil industry for climate change programs

Campaign cuts Norway’s palm oil consumption 64%

Norway: Indonesia’s forest moratorium isn’t enough to meet emissions reduction target

As Norway funds rainforest conservation, its pension fund invests in companies driving deforestation

Possible embezzlement halts WWF-run REDD project in Tanzania

How much is the life of a whale worth?

Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2011

Concerns standoff between Borneo forest community and Malaysian palm oil developer may turn violent

New study: price carbon at the point of fossil fuel extraction

Malaysian palm oil company violates Indonesia’s logging moratorium

Russia and Norway carve up wildlife-rich Arctic sea for fossil fuels

Indonesian president urges other countries not to buy illegally logged wood from Indonesia

Norway: rainforest protection efforts must work through corruption challenge

New World Growth report contains ‘false and misleading’ information

Norway to continue palm oil investments

German bank dumps palm oil company stock

Top forest policies recognized

Indonesia delays logging moratorium

Will Indonesia’s big REDD rainforest deal work?

Guyana: where’s the money pledged for saving rainforests?

Indonesia’s forest protection plan at risk, says report

Scientists call upon Indonesia to recognize value of secondary forests

Norway calls for other nations to step up in fight against deforestation in Indonesia

Norwegia Didesak untuk Putuskan Saham atas Perusahaan Perusak Hutan Lainnya

Norway Lepaskan Diri dari Perusahaan Penebangan Malaysia Akibat Perusakan Hutan Hujan

Norway urged to dump shares of other forest-destroying companies

Norway divests from Malaysian logging company after rainforest destruction

Indonesia gets first $30M from Norway under $1B forest deal

Audit finds palm oil company destroyed peatlands, but not primary forest

Perusakan Hutan Skala Besar di Sumatera Lemahkan Kesepakatan Indonesia dengan Norwegia

Large-scale forest destruction in Sumatra undermines Indonesia’s deal with Norway

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