Kenya News

360 stories

When predators attack, plants grow fewer thorns

Then there were five: rhino death moves species closer to extinction

Relief for Kenya’s rare coastal forest

One-two punch: farming, global warming destroying unique East African forests

91% of Kenya’s protected areas shrank in 100 years

How protected are they? Report finds world’s Protected Areas may relax, shrink, even completely disappear

With death of rhino, only six northern white rhinos left on the planet

Elephants worth much, much more alive than dead, says new report

WCS-led raids lead to six arrests near Mozambique’s largest reserve

Next big idea in forest conservation: Reconnecting faith and forests

Ever heard of the hirola? New survey shows world’s rarest antelope holding steady

Too tempting, too easy: poachers kill Kenya’s biggest elephant

Singapore intercepts massive illegal shipment of Madagascar rosewood

Culling elephants leaves an impact on their social structure decades later

Loss of wildlife and deforestation can increase human disease

Birds of the Serengeti – book review

Animals of the Serengeti – book review

Samburu’s lions: how the big cats could make a comeback in Kenya

Rhino slaughtered for its horn in city park

No sweat: elephants living with people aren’t stressed

Obama to take on elephant and rhino poaching in Africa

Kenya getting tough on poachers, set to increase fines and jail time

Compromise on Serengeti road?: build an elevated highway

Microsoft puts price on carbon, buys credits from forest conservation project

A Tale of Two Elephants: celebrating the lives and mourning the deaths of Cirrocumulus and Ngampit

Elephant woes: conservationists mixed on elephant actions at CITES

Violence in Kenya’s Tana River Delta stems from natural resource conflict

A lifetime with elephants: an interview with Iain Douglas-Hamilton

Sri Lanka to give poached ivory to Buddhist temple, flouting international agreements

Forests in Kenya worth much more intact says government report

Birds of the Masai Mara – book review

How a text message could save an elephant or a rhino from a poacher

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