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Environmental heroes News
231 stories
Killing in the name of deforestation: Amazon activist and wife assassinated
Jeremy Hance
24 May 2011
Cambodia’s wildlife pioneer: saving species and places in Southeast Asia’s last forest
Laurel Neme
11 May 2011
Al Gore compares climate change deniers to ‘birthers’
Jeremy Hance
3 May 2011
Archbishop Desmond Tutu: ‘quest for profit subverts our present and our future’
Jeremy Hance
1 May 2011
Mexican environmental activist shot dead
Jeremy Hance
25 Apr 2011
The value of the little guy, an interview with Tyler Prize-winning entomologist May Berenbaum
Jeremy Hance
6 Apr 2011
Bill Clinton takes on Brazil’s megadams, James Cameron backs tribal groups
Jeremy Hance
28 Mar 2011
Women are key to global conservation
Ann Hallum
3 Mar 2011
A lion’s story, an interview with the filmmakers of
The Last Lions
Jeremy Hance
14 Feb 2011
Prince Charles: ‘direct relationship’ between ecosystems and the economy
Jeremy Hance
9 Feb 2011
The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters, an interview with Carl Safina
Rhett Ayers Butler
7 Feb 2011
Sarawak’s last nomad: indigenous leader and activist, Along Sega, dies
Jeremy Hance
3 Feb 2011
After another ranger killed, Virunga National Park requests UN peacekeepers
Jeremy Hance
1 Feb 2011
Eight rangers, soldiers killed in Virunga National Park
Jeremy Hance
25 Jan 2011
Jane Goodall and David Attenborough: overpopulation must be addressed
Jeremy Hance
6 Dec 2010
Når en lillebitte ønation bringer et stort offer, vil resten af verden så følge trop?
Rhett Ayers Butler
14 Oct 2010
Berantas Pemburu, Lakukan Penyamaran, Selamatkan Hewan Liar: Semua dalam Satu Hari Kerja Arief Rubianto
Oleh Jeremy Hance
30 Sep 2010
Fighting poachers, going undercover, saving wildlife: all in a day’s work for Arief Rubianto
Jeremy Hance
29 Sep 2010
Ketika Sebuah Pulau Mungil Lakukan Pengorbanan Besar, Akankah Seluruh Dunia Melakukan yang Sama?
Rhett Ayers Butler
29 Sep 2010
Into the Congo: saving bonobos means aiding left-behind communities, an interview with Gay Reinartz
Jeremy Hance
23 Sep 2010
As a tiny island nation makes a big sacrifice, will the rest of the world follow suit?
Rhett Ayers Butler
15 Sep 2010
On the Road with Dr. Laurie Marker: Reflections on Conservation in the Media Age
Mark Szotek
26 Jul 2010
Activist against illegal mining shot dead in India
Jeremy Hance
21 Jul 2010
Kekerasan sebagai Bagian dari Perdagangan Kayu Ilegal, Ujar Aktivis yang Diculik
Oleh Jeremy Hance
9 Jul 2010
Violence a part of the illegal timber trade, says kidnapped activist
Jeremy Hance
7 Jul 2010
Norwegia sediakan USD 1 milyar bagi Indonesia untuk lindungi hutan hujan
Rhett Ayers Butler
5 Jun 2010
‘Prepare for war’: tensions rising over Brazil’s controversial Belo Monte dam
Jeremy Hance
25 May 2010
Kisah Nyata Avatar: Perlawanan masyarakat pribumi untuk menyelamatkan rumah hutan mereka dari eksploitasi korporasi
Oleh Jeremy Hance
22 May 2010
Norway to provide Indonesia with $1 billion to protect rainforests
Rhett Ayers Butler
19 May 2010
Elephants march in London, trumpeting conservation
Jeremy Hance
17 May 2010
One man’s mission to save Cambodia’s elephants
Jeremy Hance
17 May 2010
A nation of tragedies: the unseen elephant wars of Chad
Jeremy Hance
12 May 2010
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