Environmental heroes News

231 stories

Killing in the name of deforestation: Amazon activist and wife assassinated

Cambodia’s wildlife pioneer: saving species and places in Southeast Asia’s last forest

Al Gore compares climate change deniers to ‘birthers’

Archbishop Desmond Tutu: ‘quest for profit subverts our present and our future’

Mexican environmental activist shot dead

The value of the little guy, an interview with Tyler Prize-winning entomologist May Berenbaum

Bill Clinton takes on Brazil’s megadams, James Cameron backs tribal groups

Women are key to global conservation

A lion’s story, an interview with the filmmakers of The Last Lions

Prince Charles: ‘direct relationship’ between ecosystems and the economy

The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters, an interview with Carl Safina

Sarawak’s last nomad: indigenous leader and activist, Along Sega, dies

After another ranger killed, Virunga National Park requests UN peacekeepers

Eight rangers, soldiers killed in Virunga National Park

Jane Goodall and David Attenborough: overpopulation must be addressed

Når en lillebitte ønation bringer et stort offer, vil resten af verden så følge trop?

Berantas Pemburu, Lakukan Penyamaran, Selamatkan Hewan Liar: Semua dalam Satu Hari Kerja Arief Rubianto

Fighting poachers, going undercover, saving wildlife: all in a day’s work for Arief Rubianto

Ketika Sebuah Pulau Mungil Lakukan Pengorbanan Besar, Akankah Seluruh Dunia Melakukan yang Sama?

Into the Congo: saving bonobos means aiding left-behind communities, an interview with Gay Reinartz

As a tiny island nation makes a big sacrifice, will the rest of the world follow suit?

On the Road with Dr. Laurie Marker: Reflections on Conservation in the Media Age

Activist against illegal mining shot dead in India

Kekerasan sebagai Bagian dari Perdagangan Kayu Ilegal, Ujar Aktivis yang Diculik

Violence a part of the illegal timber trade, says kidnapped activist

Norwegia sediakan USD 1 milyar bagi Indonesia untuk lindungi hutan hujan

‘Prepare for war’: tensions rising over Brazil’s controversial Belo Monte dam

Kisah Nyata Avatar: Perlawanan masyarakat pribumi untuk menyelamatkan rumah hutan mereka dari eksploitasi korporasi

Norway to provide Indonesia with $1 billion to protect rainforests

Elephants march in London, trumpeting conservation

One man’s mission to save Cambodia’s elephants

A nation of tragedies: the unseen elephant wars of Chad

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