Beautiful new insect discovered on Flickr

Scientists identified a brand new species of insect after looking at photos posted on Flickr. The insect is a type of lacewing called Semachrysa jade and lives in the forests…

Sumatran rhinos spotted on camera

Remote camera traps have caught images of the Critically Endangered Sumatran rhino in the Leuser ecosystem in Sumatra The Leuser ecosystem is the only place in the world where Critically…

Belize: Losing Forest Fast

According to the Water Center for the Humid Tropics of Latin America and the Caribbean, Belize has experienced an accelerated rate of deforestation since 2010.  This means that many species…

Lightless World’s Top Predator

Scientist's have recently discovered a creature considered to be the the lion of the cave!  Unexpectedly, this top predator is a Venezuelan cricket! This large, meat-eating cricket was discovered on…

Charts: comparing the largest carbon emitters

Comparison of carbon emissions from six leading countries. Click image to enlarge. Earlier this month the U.S. Department of Energy's Energy Information Administration announced an 8 percent drop in U.S.…

Drought drives corn prices to record high

Drought in America's Midwest drive corn prices to record highs on Thursday. Corn prices are up 62 percent since mid-June to due droughts and heatwaves affecting major corn-producing areas. The…

Deforestation accelerates in Belize

Deforestation in Belize has accelerated since late 2010, reports a new satellite-based assessment of the tiny Central American country's forest cover by CATHALAC (the Water Center for the Humid Tropics…

July 2012: hottest month in U.S. history

Year-to-date temperature, by month, for 2012 (red), compared to the other 117 years on record for the contiguous U.S., with the five ultimately warmest years (orange) and five ultimately coolest…

Humpbacks Postpone Migration

An animal is only as good as his next meal, especially when you're a humpback whale! Due to the world's ever-changing climate, the ice that normally sends krill running has…

Guyana rainforests receive money

Guyana, a country in South America has some of the most intact rainforest in the World. A new £8.5 million trust fund has been set up up to keep it…