Mrn News

384 stories

Recently discovered ‘punkrocker’ frog changes skin texture in minutes

Court rules deforestation of Peruvian rainforest for chocolate was legal

Criticism of GAR and Wilmar African oil palm projects highlight global ‘no-deforestation’ challenges

Fishermen’s ire over trawler ban pushes Indonesia to form special task force

Scientists find new monkey with unique penis

Faulty impact assessments plague Indonesian mines: Komnas HAM

Scientists raise concern over road proposed through protected forest in Cambodia

Study finds abandoned pasture is ‘a huge resource that is not being harnessed’

Indonesia recognizes bribery might have enabled slavery in eastern waters

Overfishing leads to crashes in sardines and other forage fish

Who’s to blame for forest loss in Borneo timber concession?

Palm oil companies, NGOs endorse new deforestation-limiting toolkit

Fighting fire with money: can finance protect Indonesia’s forests?

Kaiduan dam in Borneo meets fierce opposition

Aceh’s purge of illegal oil palm at 3,000 hectares and counting

KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut adopt zero deforestation policy for palm oil

Kenya crackdown on terrorism threatens NGOs, wildlife, media

Blockade at Wilmar mill could erupt into full-blown strike

Russia and Canada lead the world in forest loss in 2013

Illegal deforestation driven by EU appetite for beef, palm oil, soy, say new reports

Pollution from East Asia affecting air quality in Borneo’s rainforests

Indonesia, Brazil subsidizing forest loss far more than REDD+ slows it

Chinese-backed smelter plan causes concern among Sulawesi fishermen

9 months after Amazonian oil pipeline spill, effects and fears linger

Locals revolt against gold miner in Sulawesi

Just how useful is forest restoration? New study seeks to find out

Aceh unveils protected area in beleaguered Tripa peat swamp

Why palm oil expanded, and what keeps it growing

Mexico’s club mosses at risk of extinction

Indonesia’s biodiversity-protected areas no match for encroachers, finds study

Destruction of elephant, tiger, and orangutan habitat doubles

Reforestation programs may help reduce illegal logging in Indonesian Borneo

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