Cameroon News

217 stories

Girl Scouts activists win forest heroes award for challenging organization on sustainability

REDD project gets initial go-ahead in Cameroon

Community mapping of African rainforests could show way forward for preservation, REDD

Giant rat plays big ecological role in dispersing seeds

A final farewell: the Western Black Rhino goes extinct

Gorilla poachers brutally murder forest ranger

Palm oil, poverty, and conservation collide in Cameroon

Conservationists seek $15M for rarest chimp

How do we save Africa’s forests?

Forest Governance Measuring Tools within Collaborative Governance of Tropical Landscapes: Book Review

What’s behind the 85% decline of mammals in West Africa’s parks?

‘Land grab’ fears in Africa legitimate

Financial crisis pummels wildlife and people in the Congo rainforest

Dapatkah Biochar Selamatkan Dunia?

Could biochar save the world?

Meski Menurun, Pembalakan Liar Masih Masalah Besar

Cameroon says goodbye to cheetahs and African wild dogs

Illegal logging declining worldwide, but still ‘major problem’

Inga alley cropping: a sustainable alternative to slash and burn agriculture

Gabon bans log exports

Long-distance seed dispersal and hunting, an interview with Kimberly Holbrook

A nation of tragedies: the unseen elephant wars of Chad

Cameroon agrees to cut illegal wood out of its supply chain

Farming snails to save the world’s rarest gorillas

Forestry sector needs transparency to reduce risks of REDD

How to post on the new Mongabay

Congo basin rainforest countries

Gone: a look at extinction over the past decade

World’s rarest gorilla caught on film

Commercial fish smoking is the “most pervasive” threat to mangrove forests in West Africa

Did malaria come from chimps?

A New Idea to Save Tropical Forests Takes Flight

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