July most popular

These totals may be off in some cases due to the FBIA tracking issue that was finally resolved around July 25.

  • Fish kills at Amazon’s Belo Monte dam point up builder’s failures 26344
  • Looks like Casper: Expedition captures first-ever live footage of ghostlike fish 15254
  • Invasion of Poisonous Asian toad in Madagascar is a greater threat to biodiversity than previously thought 11409
  • Forgotten species: the arapaima or ‘dinosaur fish’ 10279
  • 5,000 wild animals killed in West Bengal, India, on World Environment Day 9966
  • 9 new natural sites added to World Heritage List 8093
  • Short-eared dog? Uncovering the secrets of one of the Amazon’s most mysterious mammals 7610
  • Bornean orangutan declared ‘critically endangered’ as forests shrink 6364
  • ‘Mystery cat’ requires more conservation and research 5991
  • Health concerns, food insecurity linger months after Peruvian oil spills 5520
  • First ever pangolin conference concludes all eight species in trouble 4988
  • Researchers find treasure trove of unique, threatened animals in Philippine forest 4653
  • Bolivian expedition discovers 1,000th bird species 4225
  • Amazonian catfish’s 5,000-mile migration endangered by dams 3749
  • Illegal wildlife trade in Asia decimating species, warn scientists 3638
  • Scientists are developing useful new tools for surveying elusive rainforest mammals 3022
  • Unknown, ignored and disappearing: Asia’s Almost Famous Animals 2979
  • Illegal gold mining causing mercury contamination in indigenous groups 2966
  • DRC declares first new national park in 40 years 2629
  • What future is there for Africa’s lions? 2589
  • “Ecological recession”: Researchers say biodiversity loss has hit critical threshold across the globe 2445
  • ‘Penis snake’ discovered in Brazil is actually a rare species of amphibian 2267
  • California regulators approve plan to log 100-year-old redwoods 2084
  • Indonesia declares national park in top palm oil-producing province 2045
  • The ‘raven’ whale: scientists uncover new beaked whale 1869
  • What does Nature give us? A special Earth Day article 1835
  • Protecting the animal that eats lemurs — why it’s important to conserve Madagascar’s largest carnivore 1746
  • Carbon farming good for the climate, farmers, and biodiversity 1709
  • New orchid discovered in Colombia is critically endangered 1643
  • Watch video of an electric eel attack 1610
  • Malaysian land rights activist Bill Kayong murdered in broad daylight 1566
  • Video: Endangered baby tapir plays with his father 1563
  • Under gov’t pressure, palm oil giants disband green pledge 1535
  • Deforestation from illegal gold mining spreads to northern Peru 1535
  • Fires begin to appear en masse as Indonesia’s burning season gets going 1446
  • The world’s best mother: meet the octopus that guards its eggs for over four years 1395
  • Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia 1335
  • Citizen science leads to snail rediscovery in Vietnam 1258
  • Cargill suspends new purchase agreements with Malaysian palm oil giant IOI 1205
  • The top 10 most biodiverse countries 1200
  • Whale sharks inch closer to extinction 1184
  • Massive relocation of 500 elephants begins in Malawi 1174
  • Has big conservation gone astray? 1128
  • New video emerges of wildlife abuses by safari company in Tanzania 1125
  • Did mining company drive 3 species to extinction? 1124
  • Failure of Indonesia’s palm oil commitment ‘not bad news’ [commentary] 1111
  • Scientists compile list of all known Amazon tree species, say it could take three centuries to find the rest 1106
  • India at heart of illegal otter trade 1086
  • Putting the ‘evidence’ in evidence-based forest conservation 1041
  • Study concludes conservation NGOs might be better off working outside the RSPO 1007
  • Cattle driving big forest loss in Peru’s ‘under-appreciated’ Amazon 1007
  • June most popular

  • Watch video of an electric eel attack 69244
  • Mystery cat’ requires more conservation and research 24675
  • Malaysian palm oil giant IOI suspended from RSPO 22986
  • ‘Penis snake’ discovered in Brazil is actually a rare species of amphibian 17619
  • The dark side of China’s foreign fishing boom 16811
  • The top 10 most biodiverse countries 13280
  • Scientists find new monkey with unique penis 10162
  • Study answers question: how do boa constrictors kill their prey? 9648
  • Scientists discover new cat species roaming Brazil 8820
  • Tropics’ tallest tree found in Malaysia 8183
  • Little elephant is the first scientific record of dwarfism in the wild 7802
  • Researchers find treasure trove of unique, threatened animals in Philippine forest 6843
  • New book takes a humorous look at scientists’ ‘Fieldwork Fails’ 6298
  • Norway commits to zero deforestation 6034
  • Amazonian catfish’s 5,000-mile migration endangered by dams 5273
  • Scientists puzzled by slowing of Atlantic conveyor belt, warn of abrupt climate change 5201
  • Smallest of giant flowers ‘accidentally’ discovered in the Philippines 4776
  • Scientists capture one of the world’s rarest big cats on film (photos) 4099
  • Shocking discovery in Gabon: a new electric fish 3968
  • PanEco resigns from RSPO over ‘sheer level of inaction’ 3829
  • Less meat, less heat’ Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron call for less meat consumption to combat climate change 3701
  • On The Road: Rhino Translocation in Nepal 3295
  • Long lost mammal photographed on camera trap in Vietnam 3159
  • The hidden toll of war: world’s largest ape plummets 77% in 20 years 2507
  • Hype and secrecy in wildlife conservation 2420
  • Has big conservation gone astray? 2322
  • 10 reasons to be optimistic for forests 2275
  • China’s forests are growing back — but at a cost 2179
  • Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia 2175
  • Malaysian land rights activist Bill Kayong murdered in broad daylight 2102
  • Camera traps suggest wild animals anticipated major earthquake weeks before it struck 2071
  • Ignoring scientists, Poland begins logging famous primeval forest 2061
  • Here’s what’s driving deforestation in South America 2058
  • Giant squid caught on video in Japanese harbor 2017
  • What does Nature give us? A special Earth Day article 1973
  • Costa Rican environmentalist pays ultimate price for his dedication to sea turtles 1946
  • Cambodia declares new national park, plans to reintroduce tigers 1793
  • How is Indonesian president Jokowi doing on environmental issues? 1632
  • The key to tropical conservation: scrap big projects, invest in people 1588
  • Is that palm oil mill “sustainable”? A new tool can tell 1464
  • Forgotten forests’ of South Sudan: Camera traps capture first-ever pictures of forest elephants, giant pangolins in the country 1445
  • How many trees are cut down every year? 1442
  • Amazon oil spill puts Peruvian communities at risk 1439
  • Chinese fishermen get the ultimate phone video: a swimming tiger 1436
  • In unprecedented move, Michelin adopts zero deforestation for rubber sourcing 1430
  • 10 conservation ‘fads’: how have they worked in Latin America? 1396
  • Is Brazil’s threatened bird situation Latin America’s future? 1387
  • Videos reveal rare birds, wild monkeys, and jaguar family in oil-exploited park 1348
  • Top 10 stories you should be aware of this World Oceans Day, according to Carl Safina 1338
  • No more fires in Indonesia? 1334
  • May most popular

  • The top 10 most biodiverse countries 19521
  • Scientists puzzled by slowing of Atlantic conveyor belt, warn of abrupt climate change 16623
  • Taiwanese chemical spill thought to cause mass fish die-off in Vietnam 15201
  • Has big conservation gone astray? 14460
  • Shell spills 88,200 gallons of oil into Gulf of Mexico 8497
  • How big donors and corporations shape conservation goals 8068
  • BREAKING: Norway commits to zero deforestation 6652
  • Millions of fish die suddenly in Indonesia’s giant Lake Toba 6483
  • Study answers question: how do boa constrictors kill their prey? 5143
  • Videos reveal rare birds, wild monkeys, and jaguar family in oil-exploited park 4861
  • There are only three Saharan addax antelope left in the wild 4620
  • Conservation’s people problem 4514
  • Abnormal Arctic ice season may signal abrupt climate change 4370
  • Conservation today, the old-fashioned way 4320
  • Scientists capture one of the world’s rarest big cats on film (photos) 4025
  • Forgotten forests’ of South Sudan: Camera traps capture first-ever pictures of forest elephants, giant pangolins in the country 3947
  • ‘Penis snake’ discovered in Brazil is actually a rare species of amphibian 3264
  • The saola: rushing to save the most ‘spectacular zoological discovery’ of the 20th Century 3190
  • Scientists find new monkey with unique penis 3053
  • Shocking discovery in Gabon: a new electric fish 2876
  • Indonesia’s forestry ministry follows through on palm oil permit freeze 2837
  • How many trees are cut down every year? 2783
  • Giant squid caught on video in Japanese harbor 2739
  • Long lost mammal photographed on camera trap in Vietnam 2698
  • The key to tropical conservation: scrap big projects, invest in people 2637
  • It’s a girl: rare rhino gives birth to second calf in Sumatra 2562
  • Camera traps suggest wild animals anticipated major earthquake weeks before it struck 2535
  • New research contradicts claim that legal hunting reduces poaching 2401
  • Tipping point already reached? West Antarctica in slow-motion, unstoppable melt 2392
  • The quiet zoo revolution 2316
  • First-ever photos of long-lost blue-eyed bird from Brazil 2270
  • Malaysian palm oil companies say their concession maps are state secrets 2227
  • Singapore, Indonesia jostle over anti-haze measures 2199
  • Brazilian soy industry extends moratorium on deforestation indefinitely 2193
  • Malaysian palm oil giant IOI sues RSPO over suspension 2192
  • Heart wrenching’: India’s coral reefs experiencing widespread bleaching, scientist says 2148
  • The Borneo rainbow toad has been missing for 87 years — until now 2080
  • ‘Nobody was expecting this’: range loss puts leopards in big trouble 2069
  • Old-growth forests can help preserve biodiversity in a warming world 2054
  • What does Nature give us? A special Earth Day article 1954
  • How many plant species are there in the world? Scientists now have an answer 1788
  • Great Ape trafficking — an expanding extractive industry 1752
  • Brazil’s Congress moves ahead to end nation’s environmental safeguards 1706
  • Indigenous Dayak tribe pitted against palm oil giant in new film 1637
  • Amazon tribe creates 500-page traditional medicine encyclopedia 1607
  • How effective will Indonesia’s palm oil permit freeze really be? 1585
  • Epilogue: Conservation still divided, looking for a way forward 1583
  • World’s most expensive coffee often produced from caged, abused civets, study finds 1563
  • New Cambodian protected forest offers hope for endangered wildlife 1546
  • New lizard discovered in Paraguay lives only on private reserve that is up for sale 1498
  • News and Inspiration from Nature's Frontline.