Oil spills News

240 stories

Oil company hires indigenous people to clean up its Amazon spill with rags and buckets

Greenpeace head arrested after nonviolent protest on Arctic oil rig

Arctic on the line: oil industry versus Greenpeace at the top of the world

Shareholders to Chevron: company showing ‘poor judgment’ in Ecuador oil spill case

Beaver dam lessens impact of massive oil spill in Canada

The great penguin rescue: far-flung community cooperates, sacrifices to save 4,000 penguins from oil spill

Photos: penguins devastated by oil spill

US approves first deepwater drilling in Gulf since BP disaster as oil tar balls reappear on coast

Hundreds of endangered penguins covered in oil after remote spill

Report: 90 oil spills in Peruvian Amazon over 3 years

Dead baby dolphins washing ashore in Gulf of Mexico

Gulf of Mexico bottom still coated in oil, recovery long way off

Chevron found guilty, ordered to pay $8.2 billion in epic oil contamination fight

The ocean crisis: hope in troubled waters, an interview with Carl Safina

New Zealand: Can you sink a rainbow?

Top 10 Environmental Stories of 2010

Bacteria deep in the Gulf of Mexico consumed oil faster than expected, study finds

Already Critically Endangered, bluefin tuna hit hard by BP oil disaster

Yasuni on film: could a documentary save the world’s most biodiverse ecosystem?

Massive oil plume discovered in the Gulf

BP spill officially the worst offshore oil accident

Visiting the Gulf: how wildlife and people are faring in America’s worst environmental disaster, an interview with Jennifer Jacquet

Oil devastates indigenous tribes from the Amazon to the Gulf

Who’s really accountable for the BP oil spill?

The growing impacts of China’s oil spill

Oil disaster threatens Gulf of Mexico’s deep water titans

Goodbye to the Gulf: oil disaster hits region’s ‘primary production’

Methane and Climate Change: From the Amazon to the Gulf of Mexico

Spill may be 40,000 barrels per day

The penguin crisis: over 60 percent of the world’s penguins threatened with extinction

Will we ever know the full wildlife toll of the BP oil spill?

As Mangroves Die from Oil, U.S. Public Yawns

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