Kalimantan News

387 stories

Indonesian government slow to reclaim lands damaged by coal mining

Another mining company found operating in flagrant violation of Indonesian law

Coal, climate and orangutans – Indonesia’s quandary

Indonesian law bars palm oil companies from protecting forests

Indonesia developing mega coal mine five times larger than Singapore

Indonesia’s tough choice: capping coal as Asian demand grows

Indonesia tries to clamp down on coal sector’s worst excesses

Central Kalimantan to set up palm oil monitoring system to in bid cut deforestation 80%

Malaysian palm oil company destroys Borneo forests, despite buyer’s zero deforestation commitment

Coal mine has heavy impact in Indonesian Borneo

Palm oil company continues to operate illegal plantation despite court ruling

Indonesia to hear indigenous peoples’ grievances on land disputes

Oil palm, mining prompts local govt in Borneo to declare water unsafe for drinking

Surprising habitat: camera traps reveal high mammal diversity in forest patches within oil palm plantations

30% of Borneo’s rainforests destroyed since 1973

Next big idea in forest conservation? Work locally, relentlessly, and, if necessary, ignore the government

WWF accuses APRIL of breaking sustainability commitment by logging rainforest in Borneo

Zero-deforestation commitments pose acute challenges for commercial giants in the palm oil industry

Special Report: Palm oil, politics, and land use in Indonesian Borneo (Part I)

Alien trees use logging roads to invade Borneo forests

Next big idea in forest conservation? Offer health care for forest protection

WWF risking Sumatran rhinos by releasing camera trap images, says scientist

Bornean orangutans travel along the ground

Endangered primates and cats may be hiding out in swamps and mangrove forests

Sumatran rhino found in Kalimantan after unseen in region for 20 years

Featured video: how locals depend on Kalimantan’s vanishing forests

Rehabilitated orangutans in danger if industrial project proceeds in Borneo

90 percent of oil palm plantations came at expense of forest in Kalimantan

Featured video: indigenous community witnesses end of forest for palm oil

Komitmen-komitmen kertas untuk industri Indonesia

Wild orangutans to watch film about orangutans

Feared extinct, obscure monkey rediscovered in Borneo

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