Fellows News

84 stories

Elephants under the sea: awkward-looking fish modify the coral-reef ecosystem in mixed ways

Shot Egyptian vulture leads conservationists to bizarre black-market for bird parts

Using Google Earth to protect uncontacted tribes in the Amazon rainforest

Ever heard of the hirola? New survey shows world’s rarest antelope holding steady

New species has its anus behind its head

Zero-deforestation commitments pose acute challenges for commercial giants in the palm oil industry

Epidemic of elephant calf kidnapping hits Sri Lanka, say conservationists

Scientists release odd-looking, Critically Endangered crocodiles back into the wild (PHOTOS)

Bambi in the 21st Century: roe deer not adapting to climate change

Saudi Prince kills two percent of global population of endangered bird

Small monkeys take over when big primates have been hunted out in the Amazon

Kala: the face of tigers in peril

Europe approves vet drug that killed off almost all of Asia’s vultures

Several Amazonian tree frog species discovered, where only two existed before

A Turtle’s Tale: researchers discover baby turtles’ kindergarten (photos)

Cocaine: the new face of deforestation in Central America

The making of Amazon Gold: once more unto the breach

Scientists discover new gecko hanging-on in single forest fragment

Alpine bumblebees capable of flying over Mt. Everest

How hunters have become key to saving Bulgaria’s capercaillie

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