Developing countries News

112 stories

Development halted in crucial wildlife corridor in Malaysia

Controversial dam gets approval in Laos

Micro-hydro and decentralized green energy goals set in Borneo

After defeating coal plant, Borneo hosts renewable energy meeting

Indigenous groups re-occupy Belo Monte dam in the Amazon

World Bank agrees to fund project related to controversial Gibe III dam

Conflict and perseverance: rehabilitating a forgotten park in the Congo

Mekong dam spree could create regional food crisis

Recommendations to save India’s Western Ghats creates political stir

Elephant ancestors and Africa’s Bigfoot: new initiative works to preserve a continent’s wildest tales

Evidence of ‘isolated’ indigenous people found in Peru where priest is pushing highway

Soccer lights up kids’ lives: new technology produces cheap, portable power

Wealthy consumption threatens species in developing countries

Cowards at Rio?: organizations decry ‘pathetic’ agreement

Sarawak tribe calls on German company to walk away from controversial dam

Over 700 people killed defending forest and land rights in past ten years

Indigenous rights rising in tropical forests, but big gaps remain

Charting a new environmental course in China

Animal picture of the day: the spotless cheetah

Mexico passes aggressive climate bill

Pictures: Destruction of the Amazon’s Xingu River begins for Belo Monte Dam

David vs. Goliath: Goldman Environmental Prize winners highlight development projects gone awry

Police hired by loggers in Papua New Guinea lock locals in shipping containers

Papua New Guinea halts controversial nickel mine – for now

“Don’t be so silly” about climate change: Mohamed Nasheed on The Daily Show

Judge suspends Brazilian dam that would flood sacred waterfalls

Turkey’s rich biodiversity at risk

Oil exploration approved in Africa’s oldest park, Virunga National Park

Scientists say massive palm oil plantation will “cut the heart out” of Cameroon’s rainforest

Without data, fate of great apes unknown

Innovative conservation: wild silk, endangered species, and poverty in Madagascar

Activists form network to fight Sarawak dam-building spree

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