Canada News

324 stories

Climate test for Obama: 1,252 people arrested over notorious oil pipeline

Featured video: debating the tar sands pipeline as arrests mount

Over 100 protestors arrested as civil action begins against tar sands pipeline to US

Last search for the Eskimo curlew

Beaver dam lessens impact of massive oil spill in Canada

Birnam Wood in the 21st Century: northern forest invading Arctic tundra as world warms

Arctic fish catch vastly underreported (by hundreds of thousands of metric tons) for 5 decades

American cougars on the decline: ‘We’re running against the clock,’ says big cat expert

Flight of the Monarchs Reveals Environmental Connections across a Continent

Nation’s wealth does not guarantee green practices

Pencitraan satelit NASA tunjukkan rekaman rendahnya salju di Amerika Serikat

Timber certification is not enough to save rainforests

NASA satellite image reveals record low snow for the United States

Big compromise reached on Canada’s Boreal by environmental groups and forestry industry

United States has higher percentage of forest loss than Brazil

History repeats itself: the path to extinction is still paved with greed and waste

Critically Endangered bluefin tuna receives no reprieve from CITES

Grizzly bears move into polar bear territory, threatening polar cubs

Canada creates massive new park in the boreal

Iceland leads world on environmental issues, but China, US, and Canada plummet

How to post on the new Mongabay

Canadians say climate change bigger threat than terrorism

Canada at Copenhagen: “delay, obstruction, and total inaction”

Is the US sinking climate change talks at Copenhagen?

Rich logging countries open logging loophole in plan to reduce deforestation

Canada’s reign of shame in Copenhagen

Developed countries plan to hide emissions from logging

Current decade is the warmest on record

Destruction of old-growth forests looms over climate talks

Canada, not Copenhagen, hit by protests over climate policy

Oil sands pollution in Canada worse than industry and government claim

Has Canada become the new climate villain (yes, that’s right, Canada)?

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