Oil sands News

30 stories

A year after toxic tar sands spill, questions remain for affected First Nation

Canada oil sands air pollution 20-64 times worse than industry says: Study

Peatland restoration in temperate nations could be carbon storage bonanza

Alliance of the Bear: Native groups stymie Trump, tar sands pipelines

U.S. president energizes pipeline projects

River supplying Alberta oil sands operations with water at risk from drought

With assault rifles and legal hijinks, Harper’s government takes on the Canadian environment

Norway sovereign fund drops coal, tar sands, gold-mining companies

More trouble with tar sands: oil extraction leading to big forest loss in Alberta

Activists, indigenous people plan healing walk in ‘sick’ tar sands landscape

Canadian province cancels tar sands pipeline due to environmental impact

Canadian government drops over $16 million on advertising its tar sands

Citizen group finds 30 toxic chemicals in air following tar sands oil spill in Arkansas

Tar sands oil spill: ruptured pipe pours 200,000 gallons of oil into suburban neighborhood (photos)

Over 35,000 march on Washington demanding climate action and rejection of Canada’s ‘carbon bomb’

Climate activists march on White House again to oppose Keystone XL pipeline

Thousands of scientists hold mock funeral in Canada to highlight nation’s “death of evidence”

Featured Video: the true cost of the tar sands

Tar sands emit more carbon than previously estimated

TransCanada to build southern half of Keystone to avoid State Department approval

Big oil makes $137 billion, gives 28 percent back to themselves

Green groups: government moving too slowly on protecting Canada’s Great Bear rainforest

Kelly Blynn: activists not “letting the pressure off” on Keystone pipeline

U.S. media favored Keystone pipeline in coverage

Obama rejects Keystone pipeline, but leaves door open for tar sands

Harsh words for Canada after it abandons Kyoto Protocol

Obama Administration bows to pressure, delays tar sands pipeline

12,000 surround White House to protest tar sands pipeline

Tar sands pipeline ‘another dirty needle feeding America’s fossil fuel addiction’

Climate test for Obama: 1,252 people arrested over notorious oil pipeline

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