Ivory trade News

202 stories

Chelsea, Hillary Clinton urge action to save elephants

New York State Assembly approves bill banning ivory trade

Hong Kong begins destroying 131,000 pounds of elephant ivory

Leonardo DiCaprio donates $1M toward ending elephant poaching crisis

Ivory trade’s shocking toll: 65% of world’s forest elephants killed in 12 years (warning: graphic image)

Obama announces new strategy to tackle wildlife trafficking, including toughening ivory ban

Hong Kong to destroy 4,000 dead elephants’ worth of ivory

China destroys 6 tons of elephant ivory

China to destroy ivory stockpile

Rainforest news review for 2013

Anti-elephant poaching story goes viral in China

22,000 elephants slaughtered for their ivory in 2012

Illegal timber, rhino horn, elephant ivory seized in raids across Africa

Remote sensor captures sound of ivory poacher shooting an elephant

The mystery of the disappearing elephant tusk

New campaign: hey China, stop killing the ‘pandas of Africa’

Advertising campaign changing minds in China on ivory trade

Tanzania should implement shoot-to-kill policy for poachers, says government minister

Clinton Global Initiative pledges $80 million to combat elephant poaching

Butchering nature’s titans: without the elephant ‘we lose an essential pillar in the ability to wonder’

600 vultures killed by elephant poachers in Namibia

U.S. to crush its six ton ivory stockpile

Elephant killer gets five years in prison in the Republic of Congo

Zoos call on governments to take urgent action against illegal wildlife trade (photos)

Obama to take on elephant and rhino poaching in Africa

New forensic method tells the difference between poached and legal ivory

African militias trading elephant ivory for weapons

Gabon steps in to help protect elephants from ivory poaching at Central African Republic site

Elephants massacred for ivory in Central African Republic

17 poachers allegedly enter elephant stronghold in Congo, conservationists fear massacre

A Tale of Two Elephants: celebrating the lives and mourning the deaths of Cirrocumulus and Ngampit

Emergency: large number of elephants being poached in the Central African Republic (warning: graphic image)

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