Ivory trade News

202 stories

Two Chinese ivory smugglers sentenced to 35 years each in jail

‘Exploitation crisis’: Civil war fueling ‘sharp rise’ in poaching and trafficking of South Sudan’s wildlife

Elephant poachers kill British helicopter pilot, 5 suspects arrested

Sri Lanka crushes and destroys over 350 ivory tusks

Most wanted elephant poacher and ivory trafficker in Tanzania arrested

In landslide vote, Washington says yes to anti-wildlife trafficking measure

Uncovered: How Hong Kong’s ‘legal’ ivory markets fuel elephant poaching

Queen of elephant ivory trafficking arrested in Tanzania

California bans ivory

China and U.S. commit to end ivory trade

California takes step toward banning elephant ivory, rhino horn trades

Scientists unite on World Elephant Day calling for ban on ivory trade in the U.S.

U.S. to strengthen restrictions elephant ivory

Elephant poaching gets center stage in NYC ivory crush

The ivory trade and the war on wildlife (rangers) [commentary]

Elephants rejoice: China to end ivory trade

Weapons trafficking experts target criminal wildlife trade networks

China bans carved ivory imports

California introduces bill to close ivory loophole

Meet the world’s most wanted environmental criminals

Corruption in Tanzania facilitates ivory trade

INTERPOL launches African environmental crime unit

Elephants worth much, much more alive than dead, says new report

WCS-led raids lead to six arrests near Mozambique’s largest reserve

20 percent of Africa’s elephants killed in three years

Elephant poaching soars as Sumatran forests turn into plantations

Jane Goodall: how many elephants will be killed on World Elephant Day?

New Jersey bans elephant ivory trade

Poachers target elephants, tigers in Sumatran park

Billy Joel welcomes New York Senate’s approval of ivory ban

Too tempting, too easy: poachers kill Kenya’s biggest elephant

Grenades, helicopters, and scooping out brains: poachers decimate elephant population in park

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