Ivory trade News

202 stories

Central Africa’s ivory trade shifts underground, according to new report

Leading ivory trade investigator slain in Tanzania

On World Elephant Day, troubling times for African elephants

High volumes of ivory continue to be sold online in Japan

U.K. is the world’s biggest exporter of legal ivory, data analysis shows

New research provides baseline for evaluating effectiveness of US ban on ivory trade

Watch: $8 million worth elephant ivory crushed in New York City

Investigation finds ‘thriving’ rhino horn trade in Asia

Hong Kong officials seize ‘largest ever’ ivory shipment worth $9 million

The Chinese town at the epicenter of the global illegal ivory trade

Conservation group African Parks to look after West African wildlife

Hong Kong Ivory traders encouraging buyers to smuggle ivory: TRAFFIC

Notorious elephant poacher, ‘The Devil’, sentenced to 12 years in jail

More than 25,000 elephants were killed in a Gabon national park in one decade

Seven ‘most wanted’ elephant poachers arrested in Malaysia

Elephants in Borneo slaughtered for ivory (WARNING: graphic photos)

China to ban its elephant ivory trade within a year

Top 10 HAPPY environmental stories of 2016

Hong Kong to ban ivory trade by 2021

Most illegal ivory comes from recently killed elephants: new study

Elephant poaching costs African nations $25 million a year in lost tourism revenue

Poaching in Africa becomes increasingly militarized

Countries at IUCN Congress vote to ban domestic ivory markets

Malaysia is a major transit point for ivory smugglers

African elephant population declining at 8% per year

World Elephant Day: Poaching remains ‘unacceptably high’ for African elephants

Two businessmen arrested for ivory trafficking

Ivory poaching kingpin gets 20 years in jail

Vietnam is one of world’s biggest illegal ivory markets

Top 10 stories you should be aware of this World Oceans Day, according to Carl Safina

U.S. to enforce strict elephant ivory ban

5 wildlife rangers shot – 3 killed – by poachers in Congo park

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