Saving Prairie Chickens

Houston Zoo, NASA and a Consortium of Gulf Coast Zoos Race to Save Prairie Chickens It’s not so complicated, but it’s much easier said than done. I’m referring to the…

146 dams threaten Amazon basin

Although developers and government often tout dams as environmentally-friendly energy sources, this is not always the case. Dams impact river flows, changing ecosystems indefinitely; they may flood large areas forcing…

Hanging out

Bats hang out in a limestone cave in Malaysia's Taman Negara National Park. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler, 2006. To see other photos from caves in Malaysia: Malaysian caves.

Exploring Kenya’s sky island

An interview with Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect. Rising over 2,500 meters from Kenya's northern desert, the Mathews Range is a sky island: isolated mountain forests surrounded by valleys. Long cut…

Loggers’ church

A Christian church in a logging camp in Guyana. Photo by: Jeremy Hance, 2008. To see other photos from Guyana: 2008 Trip to Guyana.

Monster turtle killed off by man

Researchers have linked another extinction to human beings: this time of a massive prehistoric horned turtle. Prehistoric turtles in the Meiolania genus were thought to have vanished some 50,000 years…

Golden toad saved from brink of extinction

One hundred Kihansi Spray Toads have been flown to their native Tanzania after a close brush with extinction, reports the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). The species, which last year was…

Vampire killing spree in Peru

At least four children died after rabid vampire bats attacked Awajun indigenous communities in a remote part of Peru, reports the BBC. Peru's health ministry sent emergency teams to vaccinate…

Massive coral bleaching in Indonesia

A large-scale bleaching event due to high ocean temperatures appears to be underway off the coast of Sumatra, an Indonesian island, reports the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). An initial survey…

Could biochar save the world?

An interview with Laurens Rademakers of Biochar Fund. Biochar—the agricultural application of charcoal produced from burning biomass—may be one of this century's most important social and environmental revolutions. This seemingly…

Triple waterfalls

The Tad Lo waterfalls in Laos. Photo by: Rhett A. Butler, 2009. To see other photos of waterfalls from around the world: Waterfalls.