Sharks News

Sharks lose out at UN meeting

An effort to bolster conservation measures for plummeting shark populations was defeated yesterday at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), according to the AP. The nonbinding measure…

Sharks swim safe around the Maldives

Sharks that dwell in the Maldives can breathe a sigh of relief: the island nation has declared 90,000 square kilometers of the Indian Ocean a safe-haven for sharks, banning shark…

Shark-repelling fishing gear in the works

Shark-repelling fishing gear in the works Shark-repelling fishing gear in the works April 23, 2008 Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks…

Mysteries of the Great White Shark unveiled

Mysteries of the Great White Shark unveiled by researchers Mysteries of the Great White Shark unveiled Jeremy Hance, February 17, 2008 [corrected 2/18] The Great White Shark's distinct populations…

Trade in sawfish banned

Trade in sawfish banned Trade in sawfish banned June 11, 2007 Trade restrictions for the endangered sawfish have been approved at the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species…

Sharks do not win CITES protection

Sharks do not win CITES protection Sharks do not win CITES protection June 8, 2007 Two endangered species of sharks failed to win protection at the Convention on International…

Shark fin does not cure cancer

Shark fin does not cure cancer Shark fin does not cure cancer Study reports shark cartilage does not help fight lung cancer June 3, 2007 Shark cartilage, long believed…

Shark has virgin birth

Shark has virgin birth Shark has virgin birth May 23, 2007 A captive hammerhead shark gave birth to a pup without mating, reported researchers on Wednesday. It is the…

Overfishing of sharks causing shellfish decline

Overfishing of sharks causes shellfish decline Overfishing of sharks causes shellfish decline March 29, 2007 Overfishing of large sharks is reducing the abundance of shellfish reports a study published…