Riau News

163 stories

Riau misses deadline on ‘village forest’ project as zoning deadlock continues

Santander Bank cuts off APRIL due to deforestation

Chinese banks funding rainforest destruction in Indonesia

Banco Santander targeted over deforestation link

Forestry giant’s zero deforestation commitment put to test

Despite green promise, Indonesian forestry giant continues to destroy forests

Pulp and paper giant violating its sustainability policy

Indonesia to audit licenses of palm oil companies that clear peatlands

APP boosting timber productivity to support zero deforestation policy

Indonesia’s anti-corruption agency questions former Minster of Forestry

‘No forests, no cash’: palm oil giants commit to sustainability, but will they follow through?

Plantation companies in Sumatra failing to meet fire prevention standards

Malaysian palm oil company destroys Borneo forests, despite buyer’s zero deforestation commitment

Companies at risk of sourcing illegal palm oil despite zero deforestation commitments, finds investigation

APP can meet projected pulp demand without clearing more forest

Indonesia’s forests so damaged they burn whether or not there’s drought

Elephant poaching soars as Sumatran forests turn into plantations

Half of Riau’s oil palm plantations are illegal

Singapore to fine domestic, foreign companies for causing haze

NASA: Sumatra fires in the rise

Indonesian presidential candidates ignore environmental concerns as haze returns

Indonesian logger: cleared peat forest doesn’t have high conservation value

APRIL’s forest policy failing to stop rainforest destruction, say green groups

Logger continues to destroy Indonesian rainforest despite green promises (Photos)

Indonesia’s haze from forest fires kills 110,000 people per year

Indonesian activist: strong company commitments, media push government on forest issues

APP commits to conserve, restore 1M ha of Indonesian forest; WWF pledges support

APRIL continued destroying high conservation rainforest up until January pledge

Community’s push to clear forest for plantation challenges efforts to conserve in Indonesia

Photos: Forests, peatlands, plantations, and deforestation in Riau

APP pledges to restore forests, if given the opportunity

Will zero deforestation commitments save Indonesia’s forests?

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