Myanmar News

240 stories

High ivory prices in Vietnam drive killing of elephants in Laos, Cambodia

Photos of new species discovered in the Greater Mekong

Elephants die significantly earlier in zoos than in wild

How to Save Snow Leopards

Trafficking of tiger parts is rife in Myanmar

Camera traps capture photos of predators in Myanmar

China’s log imports fall 19% in first half of 2008 due to high prices

Massive deforestation of mangroves may have worsened scale of disaster in Burma

84 rare spoon-billed sandpipers found in Myanmar

First photos of a wild South China Tiger in 34 years

Chinese demand takes toll on wildlife in Burma (Myanmar)

Chinese demand drives global deforestation

Fires burn across Burma; pollution levels rise in Thailand

Hiking through Myanmar, the country better known as Burma

Stopping deforestation could net Burma $1 billion

China fuels illegal logging in Burma

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