Dna News

114 stories

Long lost mammal photographed on camera trap in Vietnam

Several Amazonian tree frog species discovered, where only two existed before

Blame humans: new research proves people killed off New Zealand’s giant birds

Scientists discover single gene that enables multiple morphs in a butterfly

Scientists discover new whale species

How “insect soup” might change the face of conservation

Scientists discover new cat species roaming Brazil

DNA tests reveal new dolphin species (photos)

Difference within common species may predict the presence of rare animals

Scientists describe over 100 new beetles from New Guinea

A new tool against illegal logging: tree DNA technology goes mainstream

Looking beyond the hundred legs: finding new centipedes in India requires many tools

Geneticists discover distinct lion group in squalid conditions

Bloodsucking flies help scientists identify rare, hard-to-find mammals

Whale only known from bones washes up on beach in New Zealand

‘Monster larva’ turns into a shrimp

A new tool for taking on elephant poaching: DNA forensics

Genetic analysis reveals 79 new species of sharks and rays, many likely endangered

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