Dna News

114 stories

Human impacts leave reefs short on sharks and long on moray eels

Whale of a find: Scientists spot beaked whale believed to be a new species

Brazilian frog believed ‘extinct’ for 50+ years, found with eDNA testing

Sharks nearby? A bottle of seawater can hold the answer, study says

DNA detective work reveals where in the ocean shark fins came from

Bold project hopes to DNA barcode every species in Costa Rica

Snow leopard population overestimated in Nepal? DNA study suggests it may be

New toolkit identifies multiple species from environmental DNA

New eDNA sampling system aims for cleaner, more efficient field research

Sponges supply DNA for new method of monitoring aquatic biodiversity

Researchers and customs officials unite to fight wildlife trafficking using eDNA

Counting on eDNA for a faster, easier way to count coral

Creating a high-tech island to save one of the world’s rarest birds

‘Judas’ snakes lead scientists on a high-tech Easter egg hunt for pythons

Genetic test reveals Baltic flounder migration routes and a new species

DNA test helps officials spot dodgy shark shipments

Bits of DNA in ocean water can reveal white sharks swimming nearby

Identifying Zika-transmitting mosquito fast, cheaply, and on the go

DNA database helps Nepal’s officials monitor tigers, punish poachers

Researchers weed out a way to identify plants using environmental DNA

Forest elephant DNA diverse, consistent, and distinct, study says

eDNA may offer an early warning signal for deadly frog pathogen

In blood-sucking leeches, scientists find a genetic snapshot of local wildlife

Where does your timber come from? Genetic analysis may soon tell you

Scientists deploy DNA analysis and radiocarbon dating in latest salvo against ivory trafficking

As nesting beaches warm, sea turtle populations are turning female–how scientists found out

10 top conservation tech innovations from 2017

Portable DNA analysis tool identifies species on site to help combat wildlife crime

From rescue to research: training detection dogs for conservation

New research might finally establish true identity of the mysterious Yeti

Dogs, dung, and DNA: mapping multi-species corridors to conserve threatened carnivores

USAID Wildlife Crime Tech Challenge awards Acceleration Prizes for rapid tech developments

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