Atbc News

92 stories

Scientists condemn expansion of industrial monocultures at expense of traditional gardens in Mexico

Saving Bangladesh’s last rainforest

Illegal wildlife trade in Asia decimating species, warn scientists

Scientists call on EU businesses, govts to support greener palm oil

Scientists urge U.S. to honor restoration commitment in Hawaii

Scientists urge greater enforcement of wildlife laws in Africa

Native ecosystems, species underpin Hawaiian culture

Many tropical species surprisingly resilient, if not actively persecuted

Scientists raise concern over road proposed through protected forest in Cambodia

A path to becoming a conservation scientist

Ecologists are underestimating the impacts of rainforest logging

The future of tropical biology research and conservation

Scientists ask Australia to strengthen, not weaken, protection for Great Barrier Reef

Scientists ask PNG to support conservation research

Scientists blast Australian government’s moves to dismantle environmental protections

Preserving forest, birds boosts coffee profit up to $300/ha by controlling pests

Conservationists urge Costa Rica to maintain environmental leadership

Conservation scientists: Aceh’s spatial plan a risk to forests, wildlife, and people

Gold mine approved in French Guiana’s only national park

Indonesia’s pulp and paper targets incompatible with green growth goals

Brazil’s environmental leadership at risk, warn scientists

Dams are ‘centerpiece of greenwashing’ in the Amazon

Small farmers cause substantial damage in the Amazon rainforest

Fire risk to increase in the Amazon rainforest

Sustainable non-timber forest products failing to meet conservation promise

Protecting jaguars a good business decision for ranchers

Traditional belief in mythical beasts help protect forests

Majority of protected tropical forests “empty” due to hunting

Giant rat plays big ecological role in dispersing seeds

Cultural erosion among indigenous groups in Venezuela brings new risks for Caura rainforest

Indigenous technicians scour Amazonia to help researchers track wildlife populations

Saving (and studying) one of Nigeria’s last montane forests

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