Atbc News

92 stories

Birds face higher risk of extinction than conventionally thought

Elephants may explain Mount Kilimanjaro’s bamboo enigma

Scientists call for mining ban, new protected areas in Suriname

Rainforests face array of emerging threats

Does logging contribute to AIDS deaths in Africa?

Hunting, deforestation wipe out 6 of 7 hornbill species in Borneo park

Geology, climate links make Guiana Shield region particularly sensitive to change

New discoveries about past forest changes may help predict future ones in a changing climate

Reforestation a growing, but complicated, initiative

Lemurs are key to health of Madagascar’s rainforests

China’s economic growth may be helping panda habitat recovery

Quick biological surveys are facilitating conservation efforts

Heavily-populated Amazon was decimated by old world disease

Guiana Shield forests help preserve biodiversity and climate

Defaunation, like deforestation, threatens global biodiversity

Markets could save forests: An interview with Dr. Tom Lovejoy

55% of the Amazon may be lost by 2030

Biodiversity conservation will only work if local people benefit

Large-scale agriculture ‘compromises’ forest’s ability to recover

Law enforcement key to saving Borneo’s rainforests

conservationists need to work with, not against, rural poor

Globalization could save the Amazon rainforest

Biodiversity extinction crisis looms says renowned biologist

Time is running out for French Guiana’s rainforests

Canopy research is key to understanding rainforests

Mexico’s rainforests depend on government conservation efforts

Global warming could cause catastrophic die-off of Amazon rainforest by 2080

Rainforests face myriad of threats says leading Amazon scholar

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