
110 stories

Summer sea ice likely to disappear in the Arctic by 2015

Air pollution in China reduces rainfall

Greenhouse gas emissions drop in the EU for the fourth year in a row

Destructive farming practices of early civilization may have altered climate long before industrial era

Amid price cuts, companies struggle to make bottled-water profitable

Photos: snow leopard in Afghanistan

Oil spill off Australia potential ‘disaster’ for marine wildlife

Mining and biodiversity offsets in Madagascar: Conservation or ‘Conservation Opportunities?’

New Amazonian reserve saves over a million acres in Peru

World’s rarest duck flies closer to extinction’s edge

Retailers Costco and flunk sustainable paper use, WalMart and Target fare little better

Cost of climate change adaptation to be 2-3 times higher than current estimates

The mysterious, fascinating, and lightning-quick mantis shrimp: An Interview with Maya deVries

The Pope: “creation is under threat”

Trees sprout across farmland worldwide

Snails learn from fear

Start your engines with watermelon juice

World’s largest bat threatened with extinction due to legal hunting

Tiger brutally killed in zoo, body parts taken to sell for Chinese medicine

Solar powered conservation

Militarization of scientific research could spawn deadlier weapons

Unique acacia tree could play vital role in turning around Africa’s food crisis

20,000 orangutans killed or poached in 10 years without a single prosecution

Conservation group calls on birders to look for extinct species

A new effort to save global biodiversity? Just ask E.O. Wilson

Gold mining threatens world’s most infamous reptile, the Komodo dragon

World’s rarest camel survived nuclear tests but today threatened by hunger for its meat

Environmental disappointments under Obama

Little hydroelectric dams become all the rage, but do they harm the environment?

New Zealand dairy industry contributing to rainforest destruction, says Greenpeace

Destruction worsens in Madagascar

Plastic Vortexes Leaching Chemicals into World’s Oceans

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