
110 stories

Lion population in Kenya could disappear in 10 to 20 years

Hardly indestructible, plastics begin decomposing in ocean within a year, spreading harmful chemicals

No escape from mercury for US fish

Newly discovered deep sea worms throw bioluminescent ‘bombs’

Rehabilitation not enough to solve orangutan crisis in Indonesia

Appalling photos reveal lemur carnage in Madagascar [warning: graphic images]

Weak forest definition may undermine REDD efforts

Brazil’s ‘Obama’ weighs presidential bid

Camping in the Okavango Delta in Botswana

Idaho to allow 25 percent of its wolf population to be killed in one season

Record global ocean temperature in July

50 of the world’s most endangered crocodiles released into the wild in the Philippines

Biofuel company eyes dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico for creating fish-powered fuel

New center for studying temperate rainforests announced in Alaska

World Bank violated environmental rules in lending to palm oil companies, finds internal audit

World’s rarest tree kangaroo gets help from those who once hunted it

Guyana uses aggressive deforestation baseline in its plan to seek carbon payments

Economic crisis threatens conservation programs and endangered species, an interview with Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect

China moves forward on global warming: top scientists recommend emissions peak in 2030

Sears catalogue continues to harm boreal forest and caribou

Oil companies in the UK are big users of palm oil biodiesel

Forest fires set by Borneo dam developer contributes to haze in Malaysia, Singapore

Saving the tsingy forests in Madagascar

Cadbury dumps palm oil after consumer protests

Photos reveal illegal logging near uncontacted natives in Peru

Examining monkey tools: archaeology expands to include non-human primates

Da Vinci’s lion comes back to life

Police face murder charges in killing of indigenous protesters in Peru

Borneo ablaze: forest fires threaten world’s largest remaining population of orangutans

The Tipping Point in Civilizational Collapse

Climate Activists Push the Limits

World population set to reach 7 billion in two years

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