Savannas News

145 stories

Complaint lodged at FSC for plantations killing baboons

Brazil’s cerrado wins protection, but will it be enough to save the wildlife-rich grassland?

U.S. signs debt-for-nature swap with Brazil to protect forests

Road through the Serengeti will eventually ‘kill the migration’

Emissions from cerrado destruction in Brazil equal to emissions from Amazon deforestation

Community engagement is key to saving the rarest zebra

Brazil to step up efforts to save the cerrado grassland

Painted Dog population falls 99%, but community efforts could save species

40% of Australia is undisturbed wilderness

Biofuels can reduce emissions, but not when grown in place of rainforests

Some grasslands resilient against climate change, according to 13 year study

REDD could trigger bias in conservation funding towards carbon-rich ecosystems

Marauding kangaroos may drive extinction of earless dragons in Australia

Deforestation a greater threat to the Amazon than global warming

Land-clearing fires send smoke across Argentina, Paraguay

U.S. grazing lands at risk due to rising CO2 levels

Biofuels driving destruction of Brazilian cerrado

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