Savannas News

145 stories

West African countries come together to stop the illegal rosewood trade

Rekindling Australia’s Aboriginal past to fight climate change (Commentary)

Brazil’s Cerrado region: A new tropical deforestation hotspot

Threatened West African rosewood species gets CITES protection

Can Cutting-Edge Drone Technology Help Answer the Age-Old Question of Bipedalism?

In the rush to reforest, are the world’s old-growth grasslands losing out?

The Maned wolf: Saving South America’s largest canid

Tiny Brazilian opossum could be farmers’ friend

King of the jungle returns to Gabon after nearly 20 year absence

How termites hold back the desert

Videos: new film series highlights bringing Gorongosa back to life

Good intentions, collateral damage: forest conservation may be hurting grasslands

Regional court kills controversial Serengeti Highway

Good news: Refuge for last blue-throated macaws doubles in size in Bolivia

Scientists make one of the biggest animal discoveries of the century: a new tapir

Scientists discover that threatened bird migrates entirely within Amazon Basin

Zoo races to save extreme butterfly from extinction

Little NGO takes on goliath task: conserving the vanishing ecosystems of Paraguay

Saving the Raja of India’s grasslands: new efforts to conserve the Critically Endangered Great Indian Bustard

Cambodia loses half its seasonal wetlands in 10 years

Africa’s great savannahs may be more endangered than the world’s rainforests

Illegal hunting threatens iconic animals across Africa’s great savannas, especially predators

Conflict and perseverance: rehabilitating a forgotten park in the Congo

Buffer zones key to survival of maned wolf

Chart: Forest loss in Latin America

Climate change to favor trees over grasses in Africa

Humans drove rainforest into savannah in ancient Africa

Richard Leakey: ‘selfish’ critics choose wrong fight in Serengeti road

Unpaved road through Serengeti to progress

Last search for the Eskimo curlew

How do tourists view the Serengeti?

Conversion of Brazil’s cerrado slows

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