Savannas News

145 stories

Forests falling for cashew monocultures: A ‘repeated mistake’ in Côte d’Ivoire (commentary)

Timmermans vs. Bolsonaro: Will the EU get deforestation off our dinner plates? (commentary)

Fires bear down on Brazil park that’s home to jaguars, maned wolves

Scientists look to chimps’ past to gauge their future under climate change

The Pantanal is burning again. Will it be another devastating year?

Loss of forests turns up the heat, literally, on giant anteaters

‘Carving up my country’: Land clearing reignites fracking debate in Western Australia

Debt deal with deforester BrasilAgro puts UBS’s green commitment in question

‘Bad science’: Planting frenzy misses the grasslands for the trees

Study sounds latest warning of rainforest turning into savanna as climate warms

Can ‘Slow Food’ save Brazil’s fast-vanishing Cerrado savanna?

The art of adaption and survival: A story of Brazil’s Kadiwéu people

The Kalunga digitally map traditional lands to save Cerrado way of life

Cat corridors between protected areas is key to survival of Cerrado’s jaguars

‘What’s at stake is the life of every being’: Saving the Brazilian Cerrado

Restaura Cerrado: Saving Brazil’s savanna by reseeding and restoring it

‘Digital land grab’ deprives traditional LatAm peoples of ancestral lands: Report

At-risk Cerrado mammals need fully-protected parks to survive: Researchers

Harvard’s half-billion land stake in Brazil marred by conflict and abuse

Amazonia’s people domesticated crops on ‘forest islands’ 10,000 years ago: Study

Corn growers in Brazil’s Cerrado reap a hostile climate of their own making

China and EU appetite for soy drives Brazilian deforestation, climate change: Study

Soy made the Cerrado a breadbasket; climate change may end that

Painting with fire: Cerrado land managers learn from traditional peoples

Study finds new population of rare deer — but in Brazil’s Arc of Deforestation

Private firms will pay soy farmers not to deforest Brazil’s Cerrado

EU/Chinese soy consumption linked to species impacts in Brazilian Cerrado: study

Fires still being set in blazing Bolivia (commentary)

Brazilian Amazon fires scientifically linked to 2019 deforestation: report

Europe-bred rhinos join South African cousins to repopulate Rwanda park

Despite a decade of zero-deforestation vows, forest loss continues: Greenpeace

EU holds the key to stop the ‘Notre Dame of forests’ from burning (commentary)

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